John Tielli (vocals, guitar, midi programming) and Tessa Kautzman (vocals, bass), the charismatic Montreal duo known as The Hydrothermal Vents, boil with a chemistry that pulls listeners deep into their imaginative world. Both members have extensive personal music history, from a mutual love for the Pixies to North American tours and solo collaborations with heavy hitters like Arcade Fire. The Hydrothermal Vents are characterized by an experimental spirit, dreamy lyrics and inventive vocal interplay.
The duo released their debut full-length, Secrets of the Deep!, on July 5, 2014. The album expands on the theme embodied in their band name: a mysterious life-giving energy and a source of light in the darkness.
On stage, Tielli and Kautzman perform with energy and precision, using inventive vocal interplay including rounds, spoken word, ghostly howls and tight harmonies to recount their fantastical tales of the deep. Thoughtfully crafted backing tracks add layers of infectious beats and synth hooks.
Have a listen to the recommended track, “Neptune’s Grave,” via Soundcloud, or stream the full album via bandcamp. Plus, check out the new live music video for “Neptune’s Grave” here.
[audio:Neptune’s Grave.mp3|titles=Neptune’s Grave|artists=The Hydrothermal Vents]
“Neptune’s Grave” by The Hydrothermal Vents