Orange County, California-based singer/songwriter, Nate Paladino, released his Good Boy EP on November 7, 2014. His lyrical approach lies on the dark and introspective side with his blues, ballads, rock, and 50’s-60’s pop influences looming large in his songwriting. Members include, Nate Paladino on guitar and vocals; Jon Hyrkas on drums; Frank Fermi and Anthony Shadduck on bass; Steve Maggiora and Danial Kirkpatrick on keyboard; and Lauren Anderson, Sydney Endicott, and Madeline Bukaty on background vocals.
“I’m Nate Paladino and I sing sad songs that sometimes sound happy. I have ballads, I have blues, I have pop, and I have a song about choking down the hair of the dog on a rusty plane over the Pacific. I try to capture some of the intimacy that Roy Orbison had in abundance, I draw on the energy of Howlin’ Wolf, and I’m constantly chasing the lyrical standard that people like Leonard Cohen or Nick Cave set … my bread and butter is bar gigs in Orange County and Los Angeles. I don’t have a dance routine, but I can make a crowd shut up and listen.” ~ Nate Paladino
Streaming of Good Boy EP is available via SoundCloud.
[audio:Buy Your Heart.mp3|titles=Buy Your Heart|artists=Nate Paladino]
“Buy Your Heart” by Nate Paladino